Ta’ruf / Acquisition of Hikmah from Ibadah

Assalamualaikum, on 27th June 2020, Usrah Budi 2 Section 109 had discussion on the first topic as mentioned in the title. The Surah is Adh-Dhariyat, Surah Number 51, Verse 56-60.  

From what we discussed that day, I managed to remember few point which are the purpose of creation of mankind and jinn. The purpose is obviously mentioned in above verse which is to worship Allah. By doing what Allah ask us to do (ie: performs prayer 5 times a day, fasting in Ramadan, pay zakat, performing haji for able-bodied and etc) and leave what is forbidden to us (ie: shirk, zina, riba’, gambling, drinking alcohol, and etc). If we did not fulfilled our role as the servant of Allah, then do we have any reason to continue to live in this world? For example, a man make a pen so that he can use it to write. If the pen is broken or can’t be use to write, what will the man do with it? Either throw it away or fix it by change some part or recycle it, right? The same can be said as man, if we fail to worship Allah, Allah have the power to do what He want with us, by fixing (give us time to change and do taubat or by testing us with musibat and so on) or end our life (with accident, sudden death, illness and so on). 

For Allah is our creator, He does not need anything from his creation. Either we worship Him or not will no affect Him at all. But by worshipping Him will grant us His blessing and satisfaction. It is us who need Allah not otherwise. 

As I mentioned, those who disobey Allah will be punish immediately or at the end of the Day. No wrong will go unpunished. That’s why we have to ask for Allah’s forgiveness at all time even if we did not do any wrong. Even our prophet Muhammad pbuh who never make any sins istighfaar (ask for Allh forgiveness) tens or hundreds time a day. How about us who obviously did so many sins whether we realize or not. 

That’s all I can share for Usrah Budi purpose. Any mistake or shortcoming from me, I hope those who read this can forgive me and share any comment to improve. 
وبالله التوفق والهداية والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


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