
Showing posts from August, 2020

Group Poster

One of the benefit of Fasting is that, it can help to make our lifestyle healthy. Below are posters that tells about the benefit to our health.   



Personality Test


Virtues in Zakah

Surah At-Taubah (9:58-60) And among them are those who criticize you for giving sadaqah; 1. The hypocrites do not like to spend their wealth in the way of God because they love property very much and they do not expect a reward in heaven for the alms. And if other people give alms, they will make fun of it. They say, why is that person wasting his property giving to others. Therefore, the ones who are criticized are those who donate property or pay zakat. 2. The second meaning: there are some of them, who criticize those who distribute zakat. Some criticized the Prophet while the Prophet distributed zakat money. And there are also those who criticize him in the division of ghanimah. They said he was not fair. Indeed, he did not give equally. He will give based on the needs of the person. If anyone needs more, he will give more. Sometimes the hypocrite can not be the same as everyone else. So they were noisy by saying that the Prophet Muhammad was not fair. This is very inappropriate be...

Virtues in Saum

Surah At- Taubah (9:60) The foolish hypocrites objected and criticized the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. in the division of zakat property. So Allah s.w.t. said explaining it, "60. It is really just charity" Sadaqah here means zakat, because sadaqah sunnat is not only addressed to these eight asnafs. Those who are entitled to receive zakat are, "for the poor," Fuqara or the poor are people who can not afford / miserable (do not have the property to meet the needs of themselves and the needs of the people they bear) as well as do not have the energy to meet their livelihood, such as very old and disabled. "and the poor," Masakin or the poor are people who do not have enough livelihood and are in a state of deprivation, not good at work and do not want to beg. Some say that the poor are the ones who take care of themselves and do not beg for human beings (even though they are very necessary), while the poor are the people who beg, go around and look for human bein...

Virtues in Salah

Surah Al-Ankabut (29:45) When this surah was revealed the companions were being tortured and oppressed, so what did they need to do? They have to follow what is conveyed in the Qur’an. Must read and understand, then practice. And then have to convey to others. So the Prophet Muhammad and his companions had to convey the teachings of the Qur’an to mankind. This is the command of amar ibqa’ie (continue to do the things that have been and are being done) - that is, not just told the Prophet Muhammad to recite the Qur’an to them because he had recited it to his companions before. And this ‘reading’ means always and always recite the verses of the Qur’an to them. That way humans can understand. Because human beings need to be reminded of this Qur’an. So, although this verse seems to be literally directed to the Prophet Muhammad, but it is also an instruction for us as well. Because we must also continue the work of the Prophet to convey the teachings of the Qur’an to mankind. The meaning of...

Hikmah from Ibadah (Reasons & Sources)

Issue : Preparation for Salah with Khushu’  Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:1-10)  Allah ﷻ tells in this verse that the believers have succeeded even though they have not yet been admitted to paradise. This is because we may think that "success" is after successfully entering heaven. But the believers while in the world are already successful. Only they may not notice. This is a very high fortune. The word فلح is also found in the call to prayer where we are all invited to success. The word أفلح is also used for farmers when they harvest their crops; which means that these believers are successful after they have tried. As farmers who have worked all year and when the time comes, they will reap the fruits of their labor. Working as a farmer is of course difficult, as they have to work all year round but the crops can only be harvested once a year. And so is the parable of the Believers, that is, they should be diligent in doing good deeds and take care of themselves and they will get t...

Ta’ruf / Acquisition of Hikmah from Ibadah

Assalamualaikum, on 27th June 2020, Usrah Budi 2 Section 109 had discussion on the first topic as mentioned in the title. The Surah is Adh-Dhariyat, Surah Number 51, Verse 56-60.   From what we discussed that day, I managed to remember few point which are the purpose of creation of mankind and jinn. The purpose is obviously mentioned in above verse which is to worship Allah. By doing what Allah ask us to do (ie: performs prayer 5 times a day, fasting in Ramadan, pay zakat, performing haji for able-bodied and etc) and leave what is forbidden to us (ie: shirk, zina, riba’, gambling, drinking alcohol, and etc). If we did not fulfilled our role as the servant of Allah, then do we have any reason to continue to live in this world? For example, a man make a pen so that he can use it to write. If the pen is broken or can’t be use to write, what will the man do with it? Either throw it away or fix it by change some part or recycle it, right? The same can be said as man, if we fail to worsh...